Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Rooms on the Ship

The ship was a little less than 300ft in length. There were 5 stories (main deck where the galley, baltic rooms, machine room and most the labs were, first floor, second floor and third floor sleeping quarters where you could also find lounges, fourth floor lounge and office, fifth floor was the bridge. You could venture even higher to the ice tower. Below the main floor was the engine room. So technically, I suppose you could say the ship was ~7 or 8 "stories" tall!!!(?)
Eating area, room where we take seawater samples, hydrolab (where I worked most)

The Galley. Don't wear your tanktops in here!!

This is the treadmill. Check out that view! I can run only 3 miles on it before getting incredibly bored.

The gym. We’ve been squeezing in to do INSANITY workout videos. Try that while the ship rocks!

This is the conference room, which has WiFi. This is also our “muster station.” If there were to be an emergency abandon ship we’d first meet here.

the all important coffee station

This is one of the lounge areas where we have WiFi access and movie access! We don’t really have much downtime but maybe we’ll make more use of this theater toward the end of the cruise while we are heading to Punta Arenas.

This is the computer and printer room

From this room, we look at the screens, data and CTD information to determine how far we have to the next station, what speed the winds are, what temperature the air and sea are, how fast the CTD is coming in, etc.

This is the “dry” lab, which is the biggest on the ship. These counters were clear when we embarked. We had to find, unpack and set up all equipment you see here.

This is the bio lab.

The Sauna with Gianluca SAUNA KING himself wearing the extreme cold weather gear.

There are two people per room. It’s very narrow. Not even the “desk chair” can fit! The TV has channels to view each of the other main rooms on the ship. You don’t even have to get out of bed to see if the CTD has come in on deck yet!

the head

The Palmer waiting for us to board. Photo cred Amy Westman.

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